
May 8, 2018

On Sale Items, Great Deals, Great Value - Discounts in Japan

Does anyone here doesn't want sales or discounted prices? We all love sales, freebies, discounts and any other similar deals that will give us great value for money.

For some reason, supermarkets in Japan are always giving us great deals which may sometimes be given at the most unexpected time of the day, week, month or year.<

I have had this experience when buying some chocolates at a discount even though there were no special occasions in the locality or even in Japan to speak of, it has just been a really random (for me at least) discount value was given to some products at the store, specifically the chocolate in this case.

On Sale Items, Great Deals, Great Value - Discounts in Japan photo

Discounts are real for these products.

On Sale Items, Great Deals, Great Value - Discounts in Japan photo

More items on the shelves are offered at great discounts

On Sale Items, Great Deals, Great Value - Discounts in Japan photo

Discounts are for real

It is an amazing shopping experience to have such products of the same quality as those without the discounted price. The thing is, all of these products are in the local supermarket near our apartment here in Japan. You won't have any hard time understanding the discounts or the "off" prices because there are clear indications, English translations, and even mark-down-prices marks, letting us all know that the item is on sale.

As a regular supermarket goer, I find it very surprising to have an item on sale even though it is just a regular day. Still, there are also some stores across Japan that constantly gives special deals when it comes to product prices - Don Quijote stores, for example. Don Quijote gives special discounts (I really don't know how they can do that) the whole year round. Luckily there is a store nearby our apartment which can be reached by just riding our bicycle. You might want to visit your local stores to if they have sale items or visit the nearest Don Quijote if you want to find great deals in Japan.



Level 4 in Google Local Guide.
All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us. -Gandalf the Grey
Instagram Account: @xaver.13