
Apr 15, 2024

Clever design


Smooth fit sponge

Brand: Rosy Rosa

Price: 462 yen

Place of purchase: Amazon JP


The description

This product is the smooth fit makeup sponge from the Rosy Rosa brand. I ordered it online from Amazon Japan, and it was priced at 462 yen including tax.

The good

A lot of makeup sponges I've bought have been just fine, but not really made with a human face in mind ;) This one from Rosy Rosa (you can order it on Amazon Japan) is specifically cut on a diagonal to fit a natural face line, so I definitely think it makes applying liquid foundation a lot easier. The sponge itself has a nice, smooth texture, too, and I don't find that it drags/pulls on my skin like some cheaper sponges do. If you're wanting a more polished appearance to your liquid foundation, I think this product is worth trying.

The not so good

Let's face it, at 462 yen this is fairly pricey for a sponge. Pop into any 100 yen store and you can get something at less than a quarter of the cost, even if perhaps it isn't so easy to hold ;) Because of the price, I realistically can only give this a three star review, even though I liked it. I know it doesn't cost 400+ yen to manufacture these! In saying that, if you are looking for a quality sponge and you don't mind spending a little extra (or you have some City-Cost gift card cash to splurge on yourself a little!) then this is a good option and I did like how easy it made applying liquid foundation.