
Mar 21, 2024

Visually appealing and tasty


Premium Strawberry Cake

Brand: Chateraise

Price: 626 yen

Place of purchase: Chateraise


The description

This product is a premium strawberry cake, and it's a limited time offering available from Chateraise at the moment. It was priced at 626 yen including tax.

The good

From a simple visual perspective, this is a really beautiful cake to look at. There are some clearly defined layers which you can see from the side, including strawberry shortcake, cream, actual strawberries, and a jelly/syrupy strawberry layer on top. Part of the incentive to buy it was because it looked so appetizing! Size wise, you can get about two standard cake pieces out of this -- you could obviously cut it smaller as well, just with less cake per portion. The taste is great, and all of the elements complement each other well. Worth a try for strawberry fans out there.

The not so good

This is definitely on the pricier side for a mass produced cake, and even with two standard sized portions it's a bit over 300 yen a slice. Not astronomical by any stretch, and still cheaper than what you'd pay for a cake slice at a cafe, for instance -- but there are cheaper sweet treat options out there. Also, the strawberries at the bottom aren't all the way through -- they're cut in such a way that you can see the strawberries from the outside but they're not whole berries. You might feel a bit duped! Overall though, solidly tasty and a delicious cake for strawberry shortcake lovers.



Love to travel, interested in J-beauty products and consider myself a convenience store snack aficionado. Navigating the ever-present challenges of expat life, particularly about my TCK's (third culture kids).