
Aug 8, 2018

Gyudon Pringles

I was at 7-11 today picking up a few bits and pieces, and saw these bad boys on the shelf...

Gyudon Pringles photoGyudon flavored pringles! I love a good beef bowl, and they were one of the first Japanese food items I felt comfortable ordering when we first moved here. I didn’t pick these up, but I was curious - has anyone else given them a try yet? Are they good, or is it better spending a few hundred yen on the real thing at Yoshinoya or Sukiya?

Do you have any favorite limited edition Japanese pringles varieties you’ve enjoyed?


  • edthethe

    on Aug 8

    I want to try them! I don't really even like gyudon. I bet it would taste more like onions than anything.

  • helloalissa

    on Aug 10

    A friend bought these and we had a try. They didn't taste like gyudon at all, unfortunately. More like an overpowering onion and salt flavor. (Good call @edthethe) I'd say pass or try them if someone else offers to share, hah.