
Dec 30, 2017

My Year 2017 in Japanese KitKat

Some people might already know that I am crazy about Japanese KitKat and plan to try as many as possible. Because I lived in Japan for the whole year in 2017 I was able to get a lot. When I looked back I was even shocked that I tried SOOOO MANY! 

Yes, in total I ate 20 different sorts of Japanese Kitkat this year. This includes seasonal versions but also regional ones. Here you have the overview!

My Year 2017 in Japanese KitKat photo

  1. Custard Pudding (Easter Version); カスタードプリン
  2. Sakura Kinako; 桜きなこ
  3. Cookies & Cream ; クッキー&クリーム
  4. Strawberry Cheese Cake 2017 ; ストロベリーチーズケーキ
  5. Ginger ; ジンジャー
  6. Iyokan ; 伊予柑
  7. Caramel Pudding (Halloween Version 2017); キャラメルプリン
  8. Baked Ice Cream; 焼いておいしいアイスクリーム味
  9. Kyoho Grape ; 巨峰
  10. Nodo-ame ; のど飴味
  11. Youth Citrus ; あぁ青春のシトラス味
  12. Everyday Luxery Rum ; 毎日の贅沢 ラム酒の香り
  13. Everyday Luxery Rose ; 毎日の贅沢 バラ&紅茶
  14. Everyday Luxery Matcha ; 毎日の贅沢 抹茶ダブルベリー&アーモンド
  15. Japanese Sake ; 日本酒 (2017)
  16. Momiji Manju (Hiroshima Version); もみじ饅頭 (広島県)
  17. Zeitaku Matcha (Onsen Area Version); 贅沢抹茶 (温泉地限定)
  18. Uji Matcha (Kyoto Version); 宇治抹茶
  19. Uji Houjicha (Kyoto Version); 宇治ほうじ茶
  20. Tokyo Banana ; 東京バナナ

There is still one sort missing I am searching right now, the Sweet Sake (甘酒味) one, but I gonna start my list of 2018 with this.

How many sorts of KitKat have you tried so far?



A German woman who made several trips to Japan did one year of Working Holiday. Started living in Japan again since October 2016 together with her Japanese husband. Loves music, cats, traveling and food.

Check out my Instagram account for your daily Japan vibes: https://www.instagram.com/yoko_lost_in_japan/


  • helloalissa

    on Dec 30

    The Ginger one was so good! I've only had the Ginger, Nihonshu, and Amaou Strawberry flavors this year. It's a great idea to get a photo like this with all the packages for the whole year... maybe I'll try something similar in 2018.

  • LovingJapan

    on Jan 3

    Only two! Lol! I didn’t even know there were so many varieties! Lol!