
Dec 4, 2015

A Japan Taxi Guide

A Japan Taxi Guide photo
Like everywhere else in the world, taking a taxi is the most expensive ride in Japan, but I can honestly say that the Japanese taxi experience is the best I've ever had by a long shot.  They're spotless, professional, and smooth; I wish I could just sit back and relax for a loooong ride, but it would cost an arm and a leg.

Most of the time when I've taken a taxi was because of work; I had to work in a remote area where there were too few buses, so work covered the cost.  In one case, the taxi was arranged with the company so I didn't have to pay and wait to get reimbursed, but on another, I always had to get a receipt and wait 'til the next pay day to get my money back.

Anyway, I wrote a taxi guide for tourists and expats that I'm sure will be helpful - http://www.trekkingwithbecky.com/taxis-in-japan/  You'll see what to expect and some essential Japanese for your ride.  Enjoy! :D

Give me a shout if you have any questions! :D

Trekking with Becky - www.trekkingwithbecky.com
Twitter - @trekkingbecky
Instagram - @trekkingwithbecky

A Japan Taxi Guide photo


I'm half-Japanese originally from Canada, and I've been living in Japan since Sept. 2010.

I keep a blog about living in Japan and travel - Trekking with Becky - www.trekkingwithbecky.com