
Mar 19, 2018

student life

I'm sorry this post encountered some error while I'm making it so here is the original one...

so I used this screen name 'student life' for many many reasons... 

Before I came here in Japan, I have a nice job in my home country as a researcher... 

But part of growing as a person is education. So I decided to study here in Japan. My home country also has a better quality of education but studying abroad gives you that 'name' when you come back. In which you can influence a lot in order to develop your home country. Well, I just want to improve the education and research in my home country that is why I am here. Besides, I passed the scholarship, who doesn't want a free education in the land of the rising sun??? 

My sensei knows me for quite a long time, he knows I have been working in my home country. And since I came here he always tell me that I am a student and I should act one. At first, I was confused what he means with those words.. Am I not giving my best shot??? So for some time it made me confused of the decision I made (winter adds up to that emotion). For 3 months I felt confused and lost. Rare communication with the fellow students made me feel sad and lonely. But when my sensei told me to communicate with them because they are just shy, I take a deep breath and started to learn their language. And I am starting to be friends with them. 

Being a student is not just studying. It is combination of what you do as a student. Having a balance in student life is necessary. When I was in my home country, I forgot how to be a student even though I am because I have been taking my Master's degree with a full time job. But now, here in Japan, I need to relearn again how to be just a student.

For the first months of my stay here in Japan, it is really challenging both financially and emotionally...

For finances, it took me awhile before I realized how to budget my finances here.. Way back home, since high school and college I already making an excel file of all of my expenses (both actual and projected). And every month I update this file...

student life photo

And this helps me a lot to know how much money do I still have. Most of the international students here send money for their family in their home country, so am I. And with this I can see whether I still have money for me here in Japan.

Part of being a student is socializing.. And you can't say no to a drinking party because it will give them the impression that you are a snob.. But going to a drinking party is also expensive.. For my next posts I will share you how do I manage to join them up to the last party they want without loosing a lot of money... I have lots of bento collection which I prepare everyday for 30 minutes or less that helps me save some money...

I'm really sorry for some error.. I tried to make this using my mobile phone which is a bad idea..

And I decided to make this post for a friend who mismanaged his allowance for the past months.. (@_@)



Just an ordinary international student in Japan