
Jan 22, 2019

Jagarico Report: Basil & Cheese Flavor

Sometimes, when checking out the new Jagarico flavors, you see a flavor that just absolutely calls out to you. That's what happened to me when I was at the local 7-11 and I saw a basil and cheese flavored Jagarico.

Jagarico Report: Basil & Cheese Flavor photo

Both of those flavors alone are enough to have me reaching for my wallet. Together, it sounded like something perfect. Inspecting the packaging, I saw cheesy basil covered potato wedges. Perhaps that's where I went wrong. I had an image of what I wanted in my head before even trying it out.

Jagarico Report: Basil & Cheese Flavor photo

Jagarico Report: Basil & Cheese Flavor photo

Opening the package up as usual, I noticed a very pungent aroma. I was a bit taken aback, especially because I wasn't expecting such a strong, cheesy punch in the face right away. There was no hint of basil at all. Cheese was clearly the star here.

Jagarico Report: Basil & Cheese Flavor photo

Looking at the actual stick, though, you wouldn't have thought. Your monitor isn't broken (and neither is my camera). The potato stick does have a slight green tint to it, either naturally from the basil or artificially to make it seem so. There are also little darker sprinklings of green, perhaps as real basil. If you look closely, you can see the cheese bits too.

Biting in, you don't get any inkling of basil. It's a strong Parmesan cheese taste the whole way through. One bite in and I was enjoying it. The scent matched the flavor spot on. However, stick after stick of the same flavor soon made me a bit ill.

Perhaps it was because I was eating it plain; perhaps I'm not as big of a cheese head as I thought I was; or perhaps I really wanted cheese-covered basil potato wedges as advertised. Either way, I couldn't finish this. And strangely enough, when I offered my coworkers some of my leftovers, no one asked for another.

★★ (2 out of 5 stars)



I like petting cats and eating snacks.
Check me out on IG for more Japan-ness: www.instagram.com/mochuta/