
Mar 10, 2019

Jagarico Report: (Uma) Umadashi

It's been a while since I've purchased any new Jagarico flavors, so when I saw this one I almost felt a compulsion to buy it. I wasn't really sure what an "umadashi" was, but judging from the packaging I could guess it was a dashi broth made with fish and kelp. Do you see those two mascots in the corner? Creepy but informative.

Jagarico Report: (Uma) Umadashi  photo

They must've really liked the character design for the costumed giraffes because they're all over the container! Actually, the more I look at them, the cuter they become. (I guess they're pretty kimo-kawaii...)

Jagarico Report: (Uma) Umadashi  photo

Despite having a vague notion of what kind of flavoring this was, nothing could prepare me for the fishy poof that emanated from the package when I peeled the cover back. If there was any confusion as to what the dominant flavor was going to be, this resolved everything.

Jagarico Report: (Uma) Umadashi  photo

Calbee, the creators of this snack, advertises this as a combination of bamboo shoots and kelp broth, plus rice crackers, all coming together to create this flavor. However, I didn't get any of that. Like the scent, the dominating flavor was fish.

Jagarico Report: (Uma) Umadashi  photo

Unless you're eating this and sharing with friends, I wouldn't recommend buying it. After one or two sticks, the flavor gets really old really fast. The initial bite is good, but my tastebuds really got overwhelmed very quickly. I honestly couldn't finish the entire container because it was too strong. But sharing it, I think everyone would enjoy a little bit of it!

★★ (2 out of 5 stars)



I like petting cats and eating snacks.
Check me out on IG for more Japan-ness: www.instagram.com/mochuta/