
Apr 17, 2024

Best of both worlds


Eclair croissant

Brand: Lawson

Price: 160 yen

Place of purchase: Lawson


The description

This product is an eclair croissant topped with chocolate and filled with custard and whipped cream. I purchased it from Lawson, and it was priced at 160 yen including tax.

The good

If you like croissants *and* like eclairs, this product from Lawson is a "best of both worlds" scenario. The croissant is topped with a layer of chocolate and comes filled with custard and whipped cream like you'd expect from a standard eclair, and it was really tasty. The price is really reasonable too, in my opinion, at 160 yen including tax. That was on par or cheaper than most of the other baked goodies at Lawson, so I was pleased with the cost-effectiveness aspect. A solidly good purchase from a taste and price perspective.

The not so good

This is a really calorie dense baked good (the whole thing clocks in at over 400 calories), and while I expected it to be high, it was higher than I'd anticipated! That point aside though, this is a really tasty item and I love that it combined the best bits of both a croissant and an eclair. I'm not sure how long this is set to be on Lawson's shelves for, so if it does sound good to you I would recommend checking at your nearest store as soon as you can. Hope you enjoy it if you do end up giving it a try!