
Mar 8, 2024

Practical kafunsho-season kids crafting

If you've got a household of allergy sufferers, spring can be a royal pain in the behind. We go through tissues like it's a part time job, so I thought a fun craft incorporating tissues would help us get through the season! 

All you'll need is a tissue box (a fairly bland colored one without any fancy designs will work best), some paper for your kids to draw their favorite character on, a glue stick, and markers/paint pens. You can get all of this stuff from 100 yen stores to keep it budget-friendly!

Basically, your child just draws their favorite character and leaves a circle cut-out where the nose would go. Open up the tissue box so you can access the tissues, glue your character onto the box, making sure you line up the character's nose where the tissues come out from.  

My daughter opted to do a Crayon Shin-Chan drawing, and I think it works perfectly!

Practical kafunsho-season kids crafting photo

Making kafunsho season something humorous ;)