
May 6, 2024

A taste of summer


100% Watermelon Juice

Brand: Kaldi Coffee Farm

Price: 189 yen

Place of purchase: Kaldi Coffee Farm


The description

This product is a carton of 100% watermelon juice without colorings or added sugars, and it was purchased from Kaldi Coffee Farm. It was priced at 189 yen including tax.

The good

If you appreciate your juices of choice to be free of colorings, added sugars, or flavorings, then this 100% watermelon juice available from Kaldi Coffee Farm at the moment is a great one to pop in your basket. It contains nothing other than 100% watermelon juice as the name suggests, so you can drink it knowing that there's nothing artificial in it. It's really refreshing, and gives me that wonderful summery feeling already. If you like watermelon I definitely recommend keeping an eye out for it!

The not so good

I liked this a lot, but as far as I know it's only going to be available in the warmer months -- I had never seen it before up until my most recent Kaldi visit. I'm sure it'll only be around until August or so, which is a bummer because it's really tasty! As I mentioned above, if you like watermelon I definitely would recommend keeping an eye out for it at your local Kaldi store. I also think it's a good option for kids who like juice, since you know there aren't any artificial sugars or flavors added to the mix. Hope you enjoy it if you do end up giving it a try!