
Apr 26, 2024

Goes the distance


All day volume and curl mascara

Brand: Milk Touch

Price: 1628 yen

Place of purchase: Amazon JP


The description

This product is a tube of all day volume and curl mascara from the Milk Touch brand. It was priced at 1628 yen including tax and I ordered it from Amazon Japan.

The good

If you're looking for a mascara product that goes the distance and stays on all day long, this "all day volume and curl mascara" from the Milk Touch brand is a good option to check out. It comes in two different colors -- black for a more bold look, brown for a more natural look -- and I really do feel that it's a mascara that doesn't rub off like some other brands have a tendency to. It also does well in giving your lashes some volume and the curl it mentions, so if that's something you seek from a mascara product then you'll appreciate this.

The not so good

Because this is a mascara that promotes its "all day" capabilities, you will find that you need a dedicated eye makeup remover to get it off -- regular makeup remover doesn't work that well. The company does sell a mascara remover, which I found to be worth it. It is a little pricier than some drug store mascaras, too, and many of those work well -- if you're looking for maximum budget-friendliness I would suggest scoping out those offerings first. Overall though, still worth it if you're looking for a mascara with some solid staying power.