
Dec 4, 2017

When Japanese signage goes all Wild West

Many of us have been sharing our amusing signage finds around Japan over the past month - with several of them causing me to have some laugh out loud moments. My father in law texted me this one today that he saw on the monorail out in Ofuna, near Kamakura.

When Japanese signage goes all Wild West  photo

Anyone notice the bottom part?

Don’t shoot anything from the windows?! They state it like everyone gets on a monorail ready to start firing away (which literally could have been my last thought upon boarding any mode of public transport). 

We were also amused by the “In case of THE trouble” above that. Do they know something we don’t? What exactly is “the” trouble they are referring to? 

Also...is shooting from the doors okay?!


  • BigfamJapan

    on Dec 4

    Lol!! Thanks for the laugh :-D

  • LovingJapan

    on Dec 5

    These kinds of signs are one of the things I love about Japan - this one is particularly funny! Thanks for sharing!