
May 22, 2019

Rilakkuma Wagashi is out again

It is that time of the year again. Since yesterday, May 21st, Lawson is selling Rilakkuma Wagashi again and as a huge fan of this lovely bear and its friends for sure I had to buy it right away.

Rilakkuma Wagashi is out again photo

As always this little dessert is not cheap. Each wagashi costs 280 yen, so if you want to try both you have to pay 560 yen. 

Rilakkuma has pudding taste and I really liked it a lot. The taste is not too strong and nicely fitting with the paste of wagashi. 

Kiiroitori has chocolate taste and actually, I think the chocolate taste is quite strong and I didn't like it that much. However, it was also an interesting sweets to try. 

Rilakkuma Wagashi is out again photo

I always look forward to the character wagashi at Lawson. They also released other characters like Kirby from time to time. So keep your eyes open (^w^)v



A German woman who made several trips to Japan did one year of Working Holiday. Started living in Japan again since October 2016 together with her Japanese husband. Loves music, cats, traveling and food.

Check out my Instagram account for your daily Japan vibes: https://www.instagram.com/yoko_lost_in_japan/