
Feb 6, 2018

Japan Food Adventure: Rilakkuma × Setsubun

This weekend Setsubun (節分の日) was celebrated in Japan. While this festival you throw roasted soya beans to clease away the demons and bring luck to you for the new year. For sure, next to beans you also can find a lot demon-related food around this time in the shops. 

Already in the beginning of January we found the flyer about the Rilakkuma offer at Lawson where you could order special food. For sure, we ordered all three of them and got them on Saturday evening.

Japan Food Adventure: Rilakkuma × Setsubun photo

Rilakkuma Ehomaki Set

First we tried the Ehomaki Set. Ehomaki (恵方巻) are long sushi rolls which you eat on Setsubun - you should eat it in one bite looking in a certain direktion to get luck. The Rilakkuma version went in Omuraisu style with egg around and ketchup flavored rice, chicken, egg and corn inside. It was pretty yummy.

Furthermore the set included a Japanese towel with Rilakkuma Setsubun print which is really cute - and rather big with its 36 cm & 90 cm. Surely, because of this the set was kind of pricy with 880 yen.

Japan Food Adventure: Rilakkuma × Setsubun photo

Setsubun Long Rilakkuma Roll

Next is a long roll cake - and yes, it was really long: 30 cm!! The sweet roll was filled with cream. In the middle the filling was splitted to nuts on the one side and chocolate on the other side. I shared the roll cake with my husband, but to say the true, it was so delicious I could eat the whole roll at once. The price for this was 450 yen.

Japan Food Adventure: Rilakkuma × Setsubun photo

Setsubun Rilakkuma Mini Mochi Rolls

Last but not least are two small mochi rolls. This time the design doesn't goes with Setsubun, but with the latest Korilakkuma Cat collaboration. The rolls are filled with strawberry cream and chocolate cream and were also very yummy. For the 475 yen you also get some cute stickers.

Japan Food Adventure: Rilakkuma × Setsubun photo

Did you had some special food for Setsubun this year?




A German woman who made several trips to Japan did one year of Working Holiday. Started living in Japan again since October 2016 together with her Japanese husband. Loves music, cats, traveling and food.

Check out my Instagram account for your daily Japan vibes: https://www.instagram.com/yoko_lost_in_japan/