Jan 31, 2017
Doing your taxes in Japan
Does anyone know if the tax offices in Japan open on a Sunday? I've got my card thingy through so it's time to go in and do the tax paperwork stuff. I've heard that some offices open on a Sunday but maybe it depends on each area. Wondering if I need to waste a day off work on this.
A foreign salaryman in Japan, documenting life from somewhere near 'salaryman town' Shimbashi, Tokyo. Way out of my depth!
Best Answer
on Feb 1
on Feb 1
on Feb 1
on Feb 1
on Feb 1
on Feb 2
I wonder if you need to "take a day" off or would your company give you a couple of hours if it is a case that your local tax office doesn't open Sunday? If I ever needed to do things that were related to work or pay in some way, I could do it during work hours, so even things like banking! It will depend on your company of course, but is it worth asking just in case they offer you do it during work hours?
on Feb 3
on Feb 7
on Feb 17
Maybe you've already taken care of taxes, but wanted to chime in as I just did most of mine today, on the (Japanese only) website (https://www.nta.go.jp) with help from my husband. (We're both waiting on a couple pieces of info but are able to save the files until we're ready.) The way he decided to do ours is fill in the info on the website, print it, and mail it in. There's also an option to complete and submit online, but we'd need a my number ID card and some IC card reader to be able to do that. I think the mailing in option is far less trouble than going into an office, but I'm not sure that would be an option for everyone. Hope this helps anyway!
on Feb 23
@helloalissa Thanks for that! I've been into the temporary 'office' that was set up on a Sunday. Took a number and had to wait about 5 hrs (I didn't sit there the entire time). Needed some consulting which is why I wanted to go in person. Have to go back now and hand over the completed forms at some point.
10 Answers