
May 1, 2016

Want to move out Tokushima. How could I sell all the house stuffs. I am a foreigner. thank you!

Dear all, I am leaving Tokushima shortly. I could not speak Japanese very well. How could I sell all the house stuffs before moving out? Do you know any second-handed stores here who has someone who could talk in English? Or where could I hire a translator? Thank you, Best regards,

4 Answers

  • Avigo

    on May 1

    If you go to somewhere like HardOff you don't need any language. Just take your ID and your things to sell to the selling counter.

  • helloalissa

    on May 2

    You can put ads (in English) on sites like Gaijinpot (Sayonara Sale) or local sites - I don't live in the area so I don't know what's available. Also tell everyone you know in the area & see if they're interested or know someone who is. It's a bit tricky to get rid of used things in Japan. Recycle shops are definitely a good option, if you have a way to take things there.

  • ConeHead

    on May 2

    Join garage sale and Tokyo sayanara sale on Facebook. I make more there than used store. Just offer free shipping in the price to make it easier. Any chance you have a mixer selling?

  • Ashes

    on Feb 22

    Facebook garage sales are your best chance if your only option is English. Perhaps you could get a Japanese friend to call a se secondhand store and ask them to collect everything, for free and you get nothing or very little for your items. Otherwise some things are difficult to dispose of like washing machines and ovens and fridges, you might need to contact city hall about the rules for discarding them.


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