
Apr 26, 2023

What themes would you love to see on City-Cost?

I've been blogging on City-Cost for a while, and I find it does get hard to write about the usual topics some months (family life, work, health, how-to) because I've already covered a lot of subject matter ideas in those themes. I really like when we have lots of seasonal themes, like the cherry blossom ones, because I find that it makes me go out and explore with intentionality, often seeking out destinations that would fit the themes. How about you? If you could suggest themed posts that you'd like to write about, what would be first on the list?



Love to travel, interested in J-beauty products and consider myself a convenience store snack aficionado. Navigating the ever-present challenges of expat life, particularly about my TCK's (third culture kids).

11 Answers

Best Answer

  • TonetoEdo

    on Apr 26

    I wonder if a "Learning Japan's Traditions" theme would be fruitful. Posts could be on the theme of learning dance, music (wadaiko, shamisen, koto), kimono, tea, calligraphy, martial arts, etc. I'm curious about suibokuga, shodo, and wadaiko and would love to read about other folks' experiences.

  • genkidesu

    on Apr 26

    @TonetoEdo That's a great idea. I've done a few classes (cooking, wagashi making, tea ceremonies, wood carving) and would like to do more...and would love to read about people's experiences with trying out traditions for themselves, too.

  • TonetoEdo

    on Apr 27

    @genkidesu Speaking of cooking and wagashi, what about a Japanese cooking theme? I know there are myriad washoku blogs out there, but most of the English language ones are aimed at an international audience. I'd love to read about ingredients that foreign residents here recommend and how they use them in Japanese recipes.

  • genkidesu

    on May 1

    @TonetoEdo they listened!! New themes are up!

  • TonetoEdo

    on May 1

    @genkidesu Thank you City-Cost editors! I'm looking forward to reading other folks' experiences.

  • genkidesu

    on May 10

    @City-Cost or @CityCost will there still be other themes this month? I only have the two new themes but that's all. Thank you!

  • TonetoEdo

    on May 11

    @genkidesu Same here. I'm working on the cuisine theme now. Will we have the routine themes this month? Thanks again to City-Cost!

  • JTsu

    on May 17

    I like the new topics and they can be used a number of ways-- like I would love to work more with crafting, but that absolutely fits for cultural posts most of the time. I love that the food posts can be for food you made or food you had, but it's also focussed on just being Japanese food, so my posts about how to make American food cheaply here no longer apply. My problem is that I still had things to write with the old themes, too. Especially family. I have a small child. I always have family stuff happening. I had stuff I'd written but not submitted for the old themes and now that they've completely vanished, I'm kicking myself for not submitting them faster. Also, having only two themes kinda sucks. I'm hoping they bring them back or at least add a couple of other themes.

  • genkidesu

    on May 17

    @JTsu yes I wasn't expecting the other themes to go away! I was hoping for new additions alongside the old ones, because I also have things to write about for them, albeit not every month. I hope we can get an answer about it soon, because this is a big way I help support my family here!

  • helloalissa

    on May 20

    I've noticed it's been a while with the four regular themes and also longer since we've had special challenges and prizes. It's gotten quiet around here. I guess the point of the website is about how much things cost when you live in Japan, so more themes along those lines would be more reasonable? It's been interesting to read all the regular (non-theme) articles about the everyday experiences of those living abroad.

  • JapanRamen

    on Jan 15

    Personally, more variety on food related themes are great! I love reading how everyone else approaches Japanese food!


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