
Jan 9, 2018

English teaching jobs leads

Hey guys. So my wife is from Malaysia and she just got here a year ago. We've been trying to find a job for her but we can't seem to get any employer interested. Are there any leads we can follow on for a job as an English teacher? Happy 2018!

12 Answers

  • KamaT

    on Jan 9

    Have you tried the eikaiwa like Coco Juku? I know that they have a history of hiring teachers from outside of the traditional English-speaking nations like the U.S, U.K etc. Although I hear that they've merged with GABA now so I'm not sure what that means for the future of their hiring policy. I feel like the bigger eikaiwa might be your best bet in this situation anyway, especially if you don't mind part-time hours or contracts based purely on the hours spent teaching rather than a fixed monthly salary. Overall, it seems like you might be better going for those places with a more flexible hiring policy, which is probably the eikaiwa.

  • helloalissa

    on Jan 11

    If she's already got a profile set up on Gaijinpot.com, the best thing to do is talk to other foreigners in the area to learn about potential openings or even part time and substitute lessons. (Sometimes companies start hiring late to fill remaining positions with teachers already in the area with a visa, so more might become available in spring.) She could also try any local job sites and Hello Sensei for freelance work. Good luck!

  • BigfamJapan

    on Jan 15

    Where are you based in Japan? I know in my town they are desperate for English teachers. We are in a rural area that has few English speaking foreigners. If there is a rural town near you, maybe you could ask in their town office if they know of any opportunities. They might also have a "town work" department that can help you find an opening and / or register your availability.

  • tanakadesu

    on Jan 16

    Thanks guys! We will take a look at Coco Juku and see if there are any place with an opening. Thanks Tomuu! Also, she did sign up on Gaijinpot. But we didn't consider actually contacting other users. All we did was just look for job openings. Thanks helloalissa! Hey Saitama! I'm based in Setagaya and we are connected with the den-en-toshii line. We tried the setagaya ward office but we didn't get any leads there. Instead we found a course that teaches Japanese and she's been practicing her japanese there every Thursday. =)

  • genkidesu

    on Jan 22

    A friend of mine actually found an English teaching job in Tokyo on Craigslist...I don't know how reliable Craigslist would be in all situations for job hunting, and I'd probably be more cautious with it than other more reputable job hunting sites, but it could be worth a look.

  • helloalissa

    on Jan 22

    Sorry for the misunderstanding (I'm not sure if there is even any option to contact other Gaijinpot users). I meant in person, as much as possible, if she can meet some other foreigners in town or nearby it's a great way to make work contacts and hear about possible work. This site has some resources: https://www.lifein.tokyo.jp/en/area04_org/area04_org-cat/employment-students/ Maybe try Tokyo Employment Service Center for Foreigners.

  • Babina

    on Feb 1

    Register in hello sensei online for private lessons. This is useful and you may get some students.

  • You could try for Online work through Italki. I also work at Interac right now and know they hire year round. Hope this helps ^^.

  • TheHikingAlto

    on Feb 4

    I have several friends from the Philippines who found jobs with Berlitz and I know, since I still receive the daily job mails from gaijinpot, they are still hiring. I also can see from their ad that they pay better than a lot of the other eikaiwa. Also, if she likes kids or is willing to teach them, some of the nurseries want English teachers as well. I spent a few years working in nurseries when I wanted to work a M-F, 9-5 (ish) job instead of the evening and weekend eikaiwa shifts. They advertise on gaijinpot usually, too.

  • MGM01

    on Mar 9

    I'm from Europe and I'm trying to find a job too. From the feedback I've had so far the best places to look online are GaijinPot and Daijob (if I'm not mistaken) Most of them require that the person is already living in Japan so, being the case I suggest you guys have a look. Good luck for both

  • ReishiiTravels

    on Jun 26

    Try Creative English in Aichi, Ichinomiya!!

  • kalynn

    on Jan 25

    I just wrote an article about this on City-Cost! Feel free to take a look. :) https://www.city-cost.com/blogs/kalynn/GW65q-living_money_education


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