
Dec 8, 2023

Transferring Pension

I'm currently sorting through EVERYTHING I bought back from Japan with me, so you'll get all your new blogs soon. I came across some documents that I actually completed when I came back from Japan, which was to do with pensions. This took me a while to figure out because it was complicated. Would you like to know how to transfer your pension to you from Japan? People say you can't. The things is... you can.



A twenty year old something, who came to experience working life and travel in Japan. What will she experience? What will she see? What will she do? Find out in this amazing travel blog and Jvlog!

That was the ORIGINAL tag line. Now I have left, but will continue updating.


2 Answers

  • TonetoEdo

    on Dec 10

    This is an important topic and it would be great to have a how-to. But are you referring to the pension lump-sum withdrawal? I assisted a foreign resident leaving Japan, serving as his tax rep to send the remaining 20% of withheld tax. It takes a bit of effort and it was a while ago, so I don't remember the details.

  • genkidesu

    on Dec 11

    Unfortunately I don't know the answer to this, but as it's something I'll most likely be doing at some point I'll be eagerly following along to see if anyone else knows the process.


Awaiting More Answers

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