
Nov 1, 2017

Pocky Day is Coming Up!

November 11th is Pocky (& Pretz) Day.

(Can you guess why?)

Pocky Day is Coming Up! photo

“Share Happiness” is Pocky's slogan and they want you to share Pocky with everyone.

This unofficial holiday is one of many in Japan based on the date (or at least the sound of the date).

Pocky Day is Coming Up! photo

The four ones in the date 11/11 look like some Pocky or Pretz, ready to share with a friend.

Pocky Day is Coming Up! photo

It's obvious Pocky Day is about marketing Glico products, but they want you to remember to share happiness and 'appreciate the important people in your life.' (Shouldn't that be every day?)

Pocky Day is Coming Up! photo

Anyway it's a good excuse to try a weird new Pocky flavor with some friends, right? (Be on the lookout for some special packaging in the next couple weeks.)

Pocky Day is Coming Up! photo

Pocky Day is Coming Up! photo



Kanji and design nerd.