
Jul 18, 2019

Lawson Discounted Products

A little while ago I read that a couple convenience stores including Lawson, have decided to offer discounts on products that are about to expire. This is to help cut costs for both the company and the consumer as well as being more eco-friendly. Japan and most developed countries have a food waste issue and composting is not always easy. Most supermarkets already discount foods before closing time to encourage shoppers to buy those (older) items first.

Lawson Discounted Products photo

I saw quite a few discounted foods on a recent visit to my local Lawson, but was surprised to also see seasonal products like warm socks also discounted. 

Read about how to understand these discount stickers in Japan in this article.

Lawson Discounted Products photo

I think this makes a lot more sense than throwing away products that are still edible or usable. I have never heard of Japanese businesses donating to homeless shelters or other non-profits, but this is another way to cut back on food waste I often see where I'm from.

Not a bad deal for something you were planning to buy anyway, but do you go out of your way to buy the discounted items?



Kanji and design nerd.