
Oct 21, 2020

Carving Pumpkins in the Supermarket

Carving Pumpkins in the Supermarket photo

For the first time living in Japan, I saw these "Halloween Kabocha" for sale in my closest Gyomu Super for 780 yen. They were in the usual vegetable section and there were just a few of them, shown above.

It says they're grown in Hokkaido.

I've heard carving pumpkins are for sale at Costco in Japan, but they sell out right away. I'm not sure where those are grown.

I'm not planning to carve pumpkins this year, but thought this was worth noting and I'm curious why.

One reason they are for sale might be that Halloween has been becoming more and more popular in Japan. The store even pasted shapes onto them to help customers imagine what they're for. 

Another might be the location. I live in Minoh City now, north of Osaka City. There are lots of foreigners in the area because of Osaka University's international students. I read somewhere that Osaka Prefecture has more foreigners, as a percentage of the population, than Tokyo-To.

Has anyone else seen carving pumpkins for sale this season?



Kanji and design nerd.