
Apr 23, 2024

Accepting inflation, or no real choice?

I saw an article this morning via Japan Times that was talking about more Bank of Japan rate hikes. It focused on one point from a recent survey, that said people would still continue to buy products from their local supermarket even if prices rose by 10%. It also noted that people here are more resigned to price hikes than people in countries like the U.K., Germany, and Canada.

Accepting inflation, or no real choice? photo

Pic Credit: Redd F/Unsplash

It made me think – it's not like people can *choose* not to eat. Supermarkets are places where people shop for essentials, not for luxury items. Also, quite frankly, if something is slightly more expensive at one supermarket, sometimes it's easier to just get it there anyway – it's not like petrol is cheap, and time is money as well. I'm not going to go driving to multiple different supermarkets to save 100 yen.

Have you noticed any major price hikes with your supermarket staples of late? Are you resigned to price hikes happening, or are you trying to find ways to be a savvy saver?