
Feb 17, 2019

A tale of two winters

I was out walking my dog today, and despite the fact that it was still chilly out, one thing really struck me - we’ve had drastically less snow than last year. Here’s a comparison: this is what I saw when I was out walking today...

A tale of two winters  photo

And heres the same street at the same point in time last year. Literally couldn’t even see over the snow walls.

A tale of two winters  photo

The poles, for reference, are a touch over 6ft in height. Part of one of rice fields nearby had already started to melt pretty substantially this year, which you can see below.

A tale of two winters  photo

I’m not too concerned, since my neighbors have said that this does happen from time to time, but I do wonder how local businesses who depend on snow for their livelihood (such as ski resorts) are faring.


  • KamaT

    on Feb 18

    Still puts the light dusting we had in Tokyo the other week to shame!

  • genkidesu

    on Feb 18

    @Tomuu right?! A Tokyo snow seems like nothing to me now!