
May 25, 2024

Just okay, IMO


Chocolate mochi bread

Brand: Lawson

Price: 149 yen

Place of purchase: Lawson


The description

This product is a chocolate mochi bread, and it's a limited-time offering available from Lawson convenience stores. It was priced at 149 yen (including tax).

The good

The first major positive about this product is the price. At only 149 yen including tax, it's one of the less expensive bread-based items on Lawson's shelves at the moment. If you're looking for peak cost-effectiveness from your sweet treat of choice, this is a good option to try. The bread does have a good, chewy consistency (calling it mochi-like is still a bit of a stretch, however), and it comes with a chocolate cream filling -- so you're definitely getting multiple levels of chocolate flavor. Overall, for the price it's not a bad option to try.

The not so good

I do feel that the chocolate cream filling wasn't all that great in terms of quality -- the chocolate taste felt a bit artificial -- but for the price I guess we can't expect gourmet chocolate levels. Also, the use of the word mochi in the product title could be setting people up for disappointment. The bread does have a nice chewy texture to it, but it's not mochi-like. Overall I thought it was only okay, my personal opinion is that the custard and whipped cream variant is a lot better if you were picking just one to try.



Love to travel, interested in J-beauty products and consider myself a convenience store snack aficionado. Navigating the ever-present challenges of expat life, particularly about my TCK's (third culture kids).