
Apr 14, 2024

Tokyo now cheaper to visit than NYC

If you ever do comparisons of the yen rate to your home currency, it's (fairly!) likely you've seen the yen right now is pretty weak. While it's not something you might notice in your day-to-day life here, it is something that could impact decisions of your friends or family members coming to visit you here.

I saw an article over the weekend that noted Tokyo is actually now cheaper to visit than NYC, and I thought that was interesting given that Tokyo often has the reputation of being a pretty expensive city. The yen rate compared to the US dollar rate at the moment certainly tells the tale of how it can be a cheap trip for Americans, with 1 US dollar buying about 153 yen at the time of writing this blog.

Tokyo now cheaper to visit than NYC photo

Pic Credit: Jezael Melgoza/Unsplash

Is the yen rate at the moment encouraging any of your friends or family to come and visit you?

1 Comment

  • BlueButterfly

    on Apr 14

    I have the feeling all people from my homecountry Germany are visiting right now. It doesn´t matter, where I am in the city, I always hear somebody is speaking German. Actually it´s kind of weired feeling. On the other hand it is impossible for me to go back to Europe with my whole family with those high prices :(