
Dec 15, 2017

Sunny skies in snow country

Today was the first day since we had crazy amounts of snow that the sun was shining and it was nice enough to get outside and go for a stroll. It was a nice reminder that this time of year isn’t all doom and gloom, even if some days might seem like the snow just won’t stop. We went on a walk to my favorite neighborhood temple that is now completely covered...

Sunny skies in snow country  photo

I have to admit though that the area does look beautiful when it’s covered with a blanket of snow.

Sunny skies in snow country  photo

It was nice and quiet out - not many people around braving the cold, or perhaps they were all at work. Needless to say it was lovely and serene.

Sunny skies in snow country  photo

Just have to be glad I wasn’t catching the bus home, I guess...

Sunny skies in snow country  photo


  • edthethe

    on Dec 15

    The snow looks lovely but cold. I'm kinda glad it only snows occasionally here. Would make getting around more difficult.

  • genkidesu

    on Dec 15

    @edthethe it's definitely tough when i like being outside and exploring but the snow keeps me indoors! it was okay today thankfully but there's more forecast here for Sunday so I think the clear skies were short lived!

  • edthethe

    on Dec 15

    @genkidesu stay warm and enjoy some warm beverages! lots of tea^_^