
Jan 31, 2020

What to do when I lost my valuable things?

Gallery - What to do if I lost anything in Japan?

Well, I hope you will never be such a situation but it is always wise to be careful about this type of thing. Often we do not know what to do if I lost anything in Japan. Here are something you should keep in mind:

1. Notify the police station (Koban) as soon as possible.

2. Try to remember the possible places where you might drop that.

3. Check those places carefully.

4. If you drop in the footpath then search the nearby of that footpath.

5. Be calm and search for the surroundings of those places.

6. Sometimes if someone gets the thing he/she might put it nearby. 

7. Check the sidewalks, parking areas.

8. Many institutions have lost and found section.

9. Contact them by informing the details.

10. If you lost something inside the train or bus then ask the company first.