
Jun 7, 2018

Port Exploration Tour for Children

The tour will go on a cruise around Yokohama port, and after that, will go on a tour to the fruit/vegetables pier or the automobiles pier.

Limit: 100 people on each day *Chosen by lottery.

Eligibility: Elementary school children and their guardians (up to two guardians may come in one group)


July 27 (Fri) 13:00-16:30: Yokohama port and the fruit/vegetable pier

July 31 (Tue) 13:00-16:30: Yokohama port and the automobiles pier

Location: Yamashita Park (3 min walk from Motomachi/Chukagai Stn on the Minatomirai Line)

Fee: Free

To Apply: Send a RPP (Specify the date of your choice and A&N&T&G of all participants) to: 〒231-0002 Naka-ku Kaigan Dori 1-1 Osanbashi Futo Bldg.2F Yokohama-ko Shinko Kyokai ‘Konai Kengaku-kai’ kakari *Entries must be received by July 9.

Inquiries: (045) 671-7241 (Japanese)

URL (Japanese)

*RPP ( ):

Send a Reply-Paid Postcard (purchased for 124yen at post offices) with the information listed in parentheses on the sending half, and your name and address on the return half.

E: Event name; A: Your Address; N: Your Name; T: Tel; G: Age

Port Exploration Tour for Children photo



The Yokohama Association for International Communications and Exchanges (YOKE) is a public interest incorporated foundation funded and supported by the City of Yokohama.

We at Yoke, in cooperation with local residents, promote the creation of a community in which foreign residents of our community can thrive and contribute.



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