
Jan 22, 2024

Warm and not bulky leggings


Women's HotMagic Leggings

Brand: Gunze

Price: 1650 yen

Place of purchase: Amazon Japan


The description

These thermal innerwear leggings are made of a blend of cotton and synthetic fibers. They are available on Amazon Japan in a wide range of colors and sizes. 

The good

Gunze's Amazon Japan shop stocks their innerwear and hosiery, sometimes available at reduced prices. These full-length leggings in Gunze's HotMagic line of inner wear appealed to me because they come in a wide range of colors and sizes. They're also reasonably priced at 1650 yen. The leggings are "seamless" as they are knitted where the inside seam would be. The bottom of the legs have hemless edges, too. The waistband has a light and thin elastic that doesn't bind. They're good under trousers and skirts and feel quite warm.

The not so good

I'm pleased with Gunze's full-length leggings and I'm considering getting some of their undershirts, too. You'll see on their Amazon shop that there are measurements for the size listings of M, L, and LL. I settled on the L size which is tight in the leg for me (I'm a cyclist so I have solid legs) but stretch generously over my hips. I wear mine inside out because clothing labels and seams on inner wear sometimes irritate my skin. These leggings are so comfortable inside out that I don't notice them. And they're long enough to tuck into your socks where they stay well.



Living between the Tone and Edo Rivers in Higashi Katsushika area of Chiba Prefecture.