
May 14, 2019

Thermometer Day

Back with another "today is xxx day in Japan" for you. Today and every May 14th annually is Thermometer Day in Japan. 温度計 "Ondokei no Hi" in Japanese. How random is that!? 

Thermometer Day photo

The date May 14th was given the title of thermometer day as it is the anniversary of the birthday of Daniel Gabriel Thermometer. As you might have guessed by his surname, he is the guy who invented the thermometer! He was born this day, May 14th, in 1686.

If you are wondering if he had some connection to Japan, that they gave May 14th the title of Thermometer day, you aren't alone! A search online didn't bring up any obvious connection. It would seem that the day was given the title simply because the thermometer is a great invention. If you are living here long term, especially if you have kids in kindy or creche, you will know how much the Japanese love their thermometers. So much so, I wrote about it before: Fever checking fever.

Had you ever heard of Thermometer Day before? Any chance there is another country in the world that has a Thermometer Day? Or is it, like so many other random "days of", unique to Japan?



Former nickname was "Saitama". Changed it to save confusion on place review posts! Irish, 20+ years in Japan! I also write on my personal website: insaitama.com