
Jun 4, 2019

Day of insects and tooth decay prevention

Day of insects and tooth decay prevention photoBack with another in the series of "What day is it today in Japan?" Every single day in Japan represents something or marks an occasion or campaign; "The day of xxx" or "xxx day". Often more than one thing. A lot of the time they are random and even wacky, but today's "day of" makes a bit more sense...

Insect Day

June 4th annually is insect day. June 4th can be read as "mushi" in Japanese, which is also the word for insect. Six is roku, but when used as a counter it can be pronounced "mu". Four is often said as "shi". So an abbreviation for June 4th is mushi. Hence, June 4th became known as insect day. 

The Day of Tooth Decay Prevention

Almost a hundred years ago the Japan Dental Association also decided to take advantage of this play on words. They promoted a tooth decay prevention day annually on June 4th. (Shouldn't everyday be tooth prevention day!?)

As a spin off of the tooth prevention day, just over 50 years ago the week from June 4th became known as the week of teeth hygiene. Even to this day a lot of the schools and work places have their dental checks during this period in early June. 

Does your home country have a "day of xxx" culture? Is there anything special on in your country on June 4th. 



Former nickname was "Saitama". Changed it to save confusion on place review posts! Irish, 20+ years in Japan! I also write on my personal website: insaitama.com