Nov 4, 2024
Medicinal Banana Flavour
Hazelnut and Banana Soy Milk
Brand: Sujahta Meiraku
Price: 150 yen
Place of purchase: Acute Vending Machine
The description
A 330mL carton of banana and hazelnut flavoured drink. It is advertised as having half of a day’s fiber. There are other nutrients included as well, such as potassium.
The good
One of the standout things about this drink is its texture. This product has a nice, creamy texture that feels very satisfying going down the throat as it feels like you are consuming something substantial and not just water. Mentioned earlier, potassium is included in the product, and it seems to be in a large amount, though I am not entirely sure of the proper potassium serving size. As for flavour, the hazelnut is a good touch and gives that earthy taste to the overall drink. This drink does not have any real fruit in it, however, so those allergic to bananas are safe.
The not so good
That lack of banana is probably my biggest dislike about this drink. Because there are no real fruits, the banana flavour is the same as the medicines reminiscent of childhood cough syrups. I mentioned earlier about allergies as well, but there are other allergens included. Soy is labelled as an allergen on the package, so it's not completely free. I'm guessing this is the ingredient that made the creamy texture. Lastly, though minor for most people, there isn't a lot of protein in this drink. I think they are obligated to mention this nutrient on the package, but seeing the amount made me wonder why they bothered putting a number for it. Same for cholesterol.