
Mar 14, 2017

O or X?: The Gamer Culture Shock

I love video games, both western and Japanese games. I play everything!

At home, I got myself a Japanese PS4, and with the console being region-free, I play games of both languages.

There is one cultural gap that really annoys the heck out of me, however...

O or X?: The Gamer Culture Shock photo

In western games, X is for "confirm/yes" because it is the closest to our right thumb, and O, being the other closest is used for "reject/no".

In Japanese games or Japanese versions of the games, however, O is for "confirm/yes" as this symbol is used in the country, and X means "reject/no"!

This may not be much for those who don't game, but for someone like me who games every day, the confusion that occurs when I switch games is annoying.

"Do you want to purchase this item?"


Ah curses, this is a Japanese game and I just canceled it!

This problem especially in the way when I'm switching between the game and the system's menu. Those who don't game or who don't play games from two languages probably won't encounter this issue, but this is the smallest cultural-gap issue that I encounter every single day.



Games, manga, and ramen. Those three things make up my Tri-force lol.