
Jan 31, 2017

The Most Affordable Cuisine at Tsukiji - Tamagoyaki

What comes to mind when you think of Tsukiji? That's right, "fresh sushi!"

What comes next after fresh sushi? For me, "no money!"

The sushi served at the renowned fish market is definitely quality, but they for sure don't come cheap. However, you can have a happy tummy at Tsukiji too without breaking your wallet, as long as you have your eyes (and mouth) open to options beyond seafood.

The Most Affordable Cuisine at Tsukiji - Tamagoyaki photo

During my first visit to Tsukiji, I noticed that there were a couple of tiny shops with exceptional long lines, and everyone walked away with a little plate in their hands.

The Most Affordable Cuisine at Tsukiji - Tamagoyaki photo

These slices of grilled Japanese omelette costs you only 100yen, and they are likely the best tamagoyaki you've ever had. The sweetness and freshness are outstanding, proving to anyone who tastes how a store like this can survive for tens of years by selling one single item.

Considering tamagoyaki is one of the things often served on a plate of sushi, I totally count this as a genuine Tsukiji experience!

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Games, manga, and ramen. Those three things make up my Tri-force lol.


  • KevinC

    on Jan 31

    Did you try the grilled seafood there? You can get some grilled crab and scallop topped with soy sauce for about 1000 Yen.

  • JapanRamen

    on Jan 31

    @KevinC I had the grilled oyster (next article) but crabs and scallops sounds great! I'll need to look for it next time I'm there