
May 5, 2017

Apollo: My Favourite Strawberry Chocolate

I've been eating this chocolate since I was a kid and loved every single piece of it. There's something about the perfect balance between the chocolate and strawberry flavours this Apollo chocolate contains.

Apollo: My Favourite Strawberry Chocolate photo

For around 100yen, you can get 46 grams of these milky sweet goodness. Not sure how long that will last you, since a box like that would last me for less than an hour. These are highly addictive!

Apollo: My Favourite Strawberry Chocolate photo

There's also something about its shape that provides you with an awesome crunch when you bite through it. Letting it melt around your mouth is just as great. If you've never tried this chocolate that has been around the market for decades, make sure you pick one up the next time you see it at any local supermarket or dagashiya!



Games, manga, and ramen. Those three things make up my Tri-force lol.


  • helloalissa

    on May 13

    I agree, these are the best! Have you tried the huge size or special Apollo? I think dark chocolate or local varieties of strawberry flavor are sometimes available.

  • JapanRamen

    on May 15

    @helloalissa ah whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa *runs out to search*