
Dec 25, 2018

Cramped Christmas Win

Japanese apartments are small. This is not a widely contested fact. Trying to find space for a Christmas tree in the middle of a 3 LDK Japanese apartment, inhabited by 2 adults with clutter issues and a small child with too many possessions, can be a nightmare. This little tree has been with me for a while, but figuring out where to put it with our current furniture configuration was a challenge, until I realized I could drape a blanket across the front of my book shelf, clearing the top to make a flat surface, and go from there. Large, heavy presents can stay on the floor in front of the shelf while smaller gifts can be found closer to the base of the tree. I did have to put it up there after my daughter finished decorating it, but still, it has been a useful and decent way to go about holiday decorating in our otherwise cramped space.
Cramped Christmas Win photo
Also, nothing says "We're agnostics who like kid toys" like a helicopter being used as a tree topper. 



A working mom/writer/teacher explores her surroundings in Miyagi-ken and Tohoku, enjoying the fun, quirky, and family friendly options the area has to offer.


  • edthethe

    on Dec 25

    that helicopter is the best! and your tardis stocking is magical!

  • JTsu

    on Dec 25

    @edthethe Thanks!! I made the TARDIS out of a sweater my husband shrank after I ost his stocking last year. Best upcycle ever.