
Jul 11, 2018

Oshiritantei: Butt Detective...but why?!?!

Oshiritantei: Butt Detective...but why?!?! photo
    I saw this the other day both on Japanese morning TV with my kid and at a book store in Sendai before later finding it on the kids Netflix page as well. When it first came on, I had not seen the name and assumed this character must be some kind of peach or inverted fruit or...nope. He's a butt. Literally a butt, who is also a private detective and somehow solves crimes. When he talks, his cheeks move. So far as I notices, his mouth is never visible, which I suppose is a good thing.

    I missed a lot of the middle of the episode as I was laughing and working on some other household chores. I returned in time to see the climax, in which the butt detective figures out the location of the kidnapped people he has been hired to find. That group that now includes at least one of his comrades (all of whom are fully human and not butts given additional corporeal function) and the butt detective moves to confront the baddies in an abandoned factory of some kind. The butt detective sneaks in along the roof and enters unseen through a window. Spying his objective, he chooses to use the only weapon he seems to have at his disposal and gasses the entire factory facility, sending the bad guys screaming for mercy, thus saving the day.

    When I say gasses, I want you to know that it was not some clever device the butt detective happened to bring along. No, no. He expels gas from his anus/mouth until it fills the room. Silent but deadly, though not actually silent nor deadly.

    Am I the only one who sees this, laughs at the inanity of it, and then wonders to themselves if some desperate programming developer somewhere in Japan happened upon Ace Ventura on the wrong day and this is what came out of it?



A working mom/writer/teacher explores her surroundings in Miyagi-ken and Tohoku, enjoying the fun, quirky, and family friendly options the area has to offer.


  • BigfamJapan

    on Jul 11

    Oh Japan!! Nope, I laughed my arse off too ;-) Couldn't resist the pun!!

  • helloalissa

    on Jul 11

    This is the sense of humor of little kids (and me too). In the same category is the incredibly popular unko kanji drill workbooks where every example sentence is somehow related to poop.

  • genkidesu

    on Jul 12

    Oh gosh I saw this guy at a kids bookstore a while ago...and I was cracking up! (not another butt pun, but it works...)

  • JTsu

    on Jul 12

    @Saitama Hahahahaha

  • JTsu

    on Jul 12

    @helloalissa You're totally right! It's in the same vein as the unko drills. Japan's toilet humor is impressively mainstream.

  • JTsu

    on Jul 12

    @genkidesu Hahahahaha