
Jul 7, 2018

"Earth" No Mat: A Pest Control Option

Don't you just hate those little gnat/dani bugs? As summer approaches and temperatures warm, keeping these pests from overburdening your home can be quite a challenge. I've tried a handful of solutions including the plastic encased bug repellent strips from the hundred yen store that tend not to work almost at all and the slightly more expensive disposable floor or counter based units that trap the bugs inside. Those are usually a lot more useful, but can be challenging to keep around and upright in a house with small, adventurous children.
"Earth" No Mat: A Pest Control Option photo

I saw a commercial for this one the other day and started laughing at the name. I know they mean Earth. You know they mean Earth. The fact that they cannot be bothered with the "r" and think "th" is "s" is superfluous, but amusing. Earth Nomat. It is supposed to keep the bugs from even wanting to enter the house. I found this 60 day supply super cheap on Amazon and it even had a coupon. We'll see how well it works in the months to come.
"Earth" No Mat: A Pest Control Option photo
The main selling point seems to be that this is more environmentally conscious (using disposable plastic only for the bottle refills, not the entire unit) but it also uses electricity, though apparently very small amounts. Also, the box seems to mention mosquitoes especially. Hopefully it works on most annoying little bugs.  

"Earth" No Mat: A Pest Control Option photo
According to the box, this unit and supplies will last sixty days if it is plugged in and turned on for 12 hours a day. There are also 30-day, 90-day, and 120-day supplies.  Given that this summer includes a ten day vacation for my family just as the weather really starts to get hot and those little bugs really start showing up, I might wait until just before we leave to really give it a go. Unfortunately, that means our 60-day supply is going to last a maximum of 30 days if left on continuously, but it will likely work out alright since we're only gone for ten.
"Earth" No Mat: A Pest Control Option photo
If it works, we will come home to a bug free house. If it doesn't, I'll know this funny sounding product does not have to be purchased again and resume using the cheap, disposable cone-shaped dani traps from Homac. Time will tell.



A working mom/writer/teacher explores her surroundings in Miyagi-ken and Tohoku, enjoying the fun, quirky, and family friendly options the area has to offer.