
Aug 21, 2019

Sparkling Wine with Bath Salt Freebie

    One of the first things I noticed and loved about shopping in Japan is the freebie objects you sometimes get with certain products. One line of bottled tea might come with a little plastic-wrapped phone charm or a knit cozy for the bottle of tea with cute cartoon characters in a summer theme or any number of tiny, unnecessary but usually fun and innocuous goods.
    This one I thought was genius, even beyond the green tea that came with mini compeito a few years ago.  

Sparkling Wine with Bath Salt Freebie photo
    Sparkling Spanish wine AND Rose Garden bath salts? It sounds like the perfect gift for an adult who needs a little personal time, a couple who needs a little extra romance, or a spouse in the dog house looking to get back into their loved one's good graces.
    Unfortunately, I didn't have the extra funds to spend at the time, but don't think I won't go looking for this come payday.



A working mom/writer/teacher explores her surroundings in Miyagi-ken and Tohoku, enjoying the fun, quirky, and family friendly options the area has to offer.