
Sep 20, 2017

If I begin to be worried about blood sugar level.

Shizuoka Green Tea Guide : Tea Blogger (Natsuko Hayashi)

Please take a look at this month's blog.

In this summer, I received a clinical survey. As a result of clinical survey, glucose metabolism HbA1c (NGSP) was proved to be high with 6.0%. Because the standard value was less than 5.5%.My doctor recommended to me a diet cure and kinesitherapy.

I reduce a snack with the awareness and intend to reduce a drink with the sugar.

By the way, do you know that green tea provides antidiabetes?

If I begin to be worried about blood sugar level. photo

According to Professor Nakamura of the tea studies synthesis research center of University of Shizuoka;tea catechin act active amylase mainly.

The most effective intake method we are to drink green tea before a meal during a meal

…This is the style that is usually performed at home of Japan. 

However, I looked back on a dining table of my home,not usually. I decided to have a meal with green tea every every meal. I intend not to be from a supplement and a specific supplement, and to consume green tea.

If I begin to be worried about blood sugar level. photo

 (Tea Blogger : Natsuko Hayashi)



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