
Jul 6, 2018

Nurturing your Spirituality

Nurturing your Spirituality  photo

Usually persons hesitate if not outrightly refuse to entertain discourses on religious or political subjects...... and rightly so because often times those discourses end with people’s emotions at polar opposites to where they were when they began. 

That however does not refute the fact that both subject matter are woven into our daily lives and impact us.

As it relates to spirituality It doesn’t matter how much we hop, skip or dance around it, in whatever shape or form it is important to us all. However, as an English speaking Christian I find it is difficult to locate a place to worship on Sabbaths -unless I’m willing to take the train all the way into Harajuku; That I find to be very costly as when multiplied by 3 it surely adds up for the weekly commute. As a result I opt to stay home some Sabbaths and worship at home.

This issue may have contributed or can lead persons- especially the younger ones to abandon their religious customs.

Christianity may not be the base religion in Japan but with the now diverse and somewhat multinational communities that are being fostered it would be lovely to see more local/ community based English speaking places of worship and community outreach ( given that Christian worship centers usually caters to health, social and often educational needs alongside the spiritual). 

It also be lovely if there were updated and reliable web information about such facilities in the country; such a resource would definitely be helpful to many persons. Perhaps I may need to use all this ‘free time’ I have and look into creating something of this nature. 

How are your spiritual/religious needs met in your area? Is there a local place that you worship in?



Hi! I’m an educator/stay-at-home mom with an educator husband, a teenage daughter and six months old son. I loooove to cook, gets excited about curries and have a serious weakness for pastry especially cakes! Enjoy being outdoors, reading and sewing.