
Oct 24, 2024

A really cool present


Wig mannequin head

Brand: FR Color

Price: 6659 yen

Place of purchase: Amazon


The description

A 21' Inch Mannequin Head with long hair that can be used for braiding practice or even make up practise. It comes with a large selection of hair accessories.

The good

It is a really cool mannequin head and it makes a brilliant present for a tween interested in hair and make up. The photo attached is after my daughter put a bit of make up on her! But we actually bought it for hair practice. My daughter asked if she could put make up on her and as I said to her, its hers so she can do what she likes with it. Then for writing this review (I had to look up the brand name) I realized that it was actually designed for make up practice too! The range of accessories that came with the head are a lot of fun and a challenge for my daughter to try different hair styles. The hair is easy to comb and braid too, although it does shed a little after vigorous use.

The not so good

I would never in a million years have ever thought of buying a mannequin head, but my daughter wanted something to practise hair styles on and suggested it for her 12th birthday. What a cool present it turned out to be. Its just one day short of a month since she turned 12 years old and she has used it every single day. At first I thought it was a little expensive, but now I actually think its on the cheap side considering how much entertainment she is getting out of it, while picking up practical skills too. So the only really negative thing I can say about it is that after it first arrived it frightened the life out of me on several occasions! Now I am used to 'Lynn' (my daughter named her) being in the house she never catches me by surprise anymore!



Former nickname was "Saitama". Changed it to save confusion on place review posts! Irish, 20+ years in Japan! I also write on my personal website: insaitama.com