
Giardino Italitei ジャルディーノ伊太利亭

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Food/Drink | Avg price: ¥6000 | English Available: None (Unknown)



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  • SutekinaNihon

    on May 29

    Delicious Italian cuisine

    This Italian restaurant is located in Noda city, Chiba prefecture. Here you can taste really very delicious food. I have visited this place twice and consider this restaurant to be one of the best Italian ones where I have even eaten in Japan. The prices are not very cheap but everything is very tasty and usually served on big plates. You can enjoy your meal inside the building or in the inner garden where lots of different flowers are blossoming. Now it is a rose season, so don't miss the chance to spend a romantic dinner. Check the site before visiting the restaurant: http://www.italitei.com

In the Area

Zao View Park 座生見晴らし公園

Noda-shi, Chiba

Fujisan views and plum blossoms



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Hamilton R

Noda-shi, Chiba

Closed in 2020 and relocated to Ramber Cafe



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Nodashi Station 野田市駅

Noda-shi, Chiba

Spacious, elevated station on the Tobu Urban Park Line



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