
Dec 18, 2019

What are you sending home for Christmas?

I have sent most of my presents home but I still have a few family members that aren't getting anything until I can think of what to give them. What are you sending home for the holidays?



American step mom with beautiful Brazilian babies. Raising them in Japan. I'm a crafter too

7 Answers

  • genkidesu

    on Dec 18

    Food is the biggest thing for the people in my life...everyone I know gets a real buzz out of Japanese sweets and snack foods, I think it's a novelty thing! My sister and one of my closest friends also enjoy Japanese beauty products/skincare so those get thrown in too. Aside from that it's often a random mish mash of fun things I find at Daiso or other 100 yen stores.

  • ReishiiTravels

    on Dec 18

    My little sister is 8 and she loves Pokemon Cards, so I sent her some Japanese ones as well as a ton of snacks! My family really likes the Kataage Black Pepper chips, furikake, instant udon, black thunder, that kind of thing!

  • edthethe

    on Dec 18

    @genkidesu what are your favorite food items to send?

  • edthethe

    on Dec 18

    @ReishiiTravels furikake is such a good idea! and black thunder. they are always tasty!

  • genkidesu

    on Dec 18

    @edthethe any kind of pocky (new flavors always are a hit), Kit Kats, Hi-Chews or other gummy candy...they always get the seal of approval. Some of my expat friends I met in Tokyo who are now back home are also obsessed with CoCo's curry (they swear it's better than any other curry!) so I often send back the instant packs of those you can get in stores and just serve with rice. My sister is vegan, so she likes these vegan ramen packs: https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/B07R2HVHQM/ref=sr_1_7?keywords=%E3%83%A9%E3%83%BC%E3%83%A1%E3%83%B3%E4%BE%8D&qid=1576643107&sr=8-7 They actually sell them at my local grocery store for cheaper than Amazon, but that's a link if anyone else is vegan!

  • Eli

    on Dec 24

    My parents like Japanese green tea so I always send them some tea. Also when I travel somewhere in Japan I always pick up some things from the Omiyage shops that I can turn into presents later, e.g. food with a long due date, little figures and keychains, regional spices etc.

  • JapanRamen

    on Jan 1

    I usually make the excuse to not send things home so that when I go back, whatever souvenir I bring back counts for all the Christmases and birthdays while I was away lol. Back when I did send things, though, cute T-shirts I find in stores.


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