Jan 19, 2016
I have ASD. It's mostly aspergers with adhd and ocd in joint second place, and then bits of all the rest. I am wondering if in Japan, am I normal ; an eccentric foreigner; appear to be hikikomori, or perhaps in Japan there's no qualms about differences. Personally I feel that I am already foreign, so I appear normal. Maybe.
Best Answer
on Jan 19
on Jan 19
on Jan 24
As a teacher for over five years, I've noticed that most parents of autistic kids refuse to accept that their children are different/have special needs or however it is best to phrase it. A major problem is that Japan is at least 10-15 years behind in autism knowledge, research, treatment, etc. This could be in your favour since they most likely won't understand your behaviour. However, since you're an adult and aware, I'm sure that you'll manage well regardless of how people decide to treat you. I hope that no one gives you a hard time and treats you with the respect that you deserve like every other human being. :D
on Nov 25
4 Answers