
Mar 14, 2024

What sakura apps / websites are you using in 2024?

What websites or Apps are you using to keep track of the bloom stages of cherry blossoms in 2024? I usually use a mix of Tenki.jp, Yahoo and Jorudan and another one that I have forgotten! (I delete them at the end of each season to free up space on my phone). I occasionally use the app from JMA, but I don't like its set up. Are there any other Apps or websites you recommend? TIA



Former nickname was "Saitama". Changed it to save confusion on place review posts! Irish, 20+ years in Japan! I also write on my personal website: insaitama.com

7 Answers

  • genkidesu

    on Mar 15

    I like Tenki.jp as well, and it's also good for autumn leaf projections later in the year as they cover both red and yellow leaf timeframes!

  • TonetoEdo

    on Mar 15

    I check https://www.jwa.or.jp/news/ which has updated four times already this season.

  • BlueButterfly

    on Mar 17

    I always use https://hanami.walkerplus.com/ (there is also same version for koyo). Always shows nice places to enjoy cherry blossoms in the whole country.

  • genkidesu

    on Mar 18

    @BlueButterfly I really like the amount of detail on that site!

  • BigfamJapan

    on Mar 19

    @BlueButterfly thank you. That one is great for general information, but unfortunately for Saitama Prefecture they don't update the information. For example, if a festival is cancelled or the date is changed they don't post that info - unfortunately I learned that the hard way!! :-(

  • BigfamJapan

    on Mar 19

    FWIW - I remembered what the other one I use is: Weathernews Sakura Channel!

  • JamesInJapan

    on May 7

    Sakura Navi forecast 2024


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What sakura apps / websites are you using in 2024?

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