
Jan 28, 2019

Refrigerator not cooling

Hi guys! Anyone here experienced their refrigerator stopped cooling? The top part isn’t cool but the freezer is working fine.. And how does their warranty work here? I don’t know how I’ll explain this to the customer service my Japanese language is just basic



* Filipino Couple
* Travel
* Food
* Lifestyle

7 Answers

  • KamaT

    on Jan 28

    I've experienced this once or twice before. It seems to have been a case of overloading it with items. My fridge isn't the biggest, or the most high-tech, so maybe its capacity is limited compared to others. I've found that when I took items out and made sure that there isn't anything warm in there (freshly cooked rice, meals etc), it started cooling properly again.

  • genkidesu

    on Jan 28

    I also agree with Tomuu - we've had the same kind of issue with our fridge if it's too full with stuff! As a family of four with a smaller fridge than what we were used to, we found at the start of our time in Japan we encountered the same problem. We got used to shopping more frequently and just not filling the fridge as much. Short of that though, I don't know how the warranty side of things would work. We actually purchased our fridge from Amazon Japan since it was cheaper than stores like K's Denki, so I don't know how that would work. If you had to go down the route of trying to get a refund/sort out warranty stuff I'd try and bring a friend that spoke Japanese if that option was available to you. I feel you on the language barrier - I'd struggle with that, too!

  • thepangans

    on Jan 28

    The refrigator isn’t full, compared to last holiday.. Is it the compressor? I sometimes can’t hear the sound of the refrigerator.. It was doing fine last week until Friday..

  • KevinC

    on Jan 29

    Make sure your freezer is not covered with ice, the sensor may be fooled by the ice and think it is cold enough. Most refrigerator in Japan is designed to work between 7 to 10 years if your refrigerator is around 7 years then start saving up some money for the next one.

  • KevinC

    on Jan 29

    One more thing you can do is unplug it for 5 minutes to reset the temperature sensor and the compressor.

  • JapanRamen

    on Jan 30

    If it wasn't full, I agree with KevinC on the idea of unplugging it for a while, let the compressor and coolant sit, rest, and hopefully reset. If it is old, getting another one is definitely better than fixing your old one.

  • Eli

    on Feb 19

    If you still have warranty for the refrigerator the maker should fix it for you or provide a new refrigerator. If it is a big company they might offer customer service in English. If not I assume it would be easiest to ask a Japanese friend for help. Usually, the warranty is only for one year after purchase unless you buy an extension though.


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